Tutorial 2

To use the full potential of I-Tex you have to be able to operate with several textures simultaneously. For this you make use of the "Source" feature. It's the interface between each texture. Just press the ->Source button in the window of the texture to set it as source. If you activate this, not the target texture but the as source set texture will be used for the required highmap creation.

(1) The  bump\shadow - ellipse

Create a new texture and generate with the generator engine a plasma (turbulence<20 and with the primary color). After this draw an object (like here the "bump" wording) on the texture. If you use a brighter color than the background plasma, this will be interpreted as if the object is higher than the plasma. Now set this texture as source.
Open a new texture with the same size. Create a plasma on it, too (like here for example with a brown color).
Now activate the bump \ shadow ellipse. Choose a light color like here for example orange. Now draw several ellipses to any positions on the texture to make the source come out. The pre-smoothing here has the effect of creating edges around the wording. 

(2) Star Field

By using some tricks you can create nice star fields with I-Tex, like mentioned in the glossary. For this open a new texture and choose star field at the generator engine. This function creates random pixels having a different brightness. Now choose white as primary color, also a post-smoothing of 0 and let the generator engine use the primary color and not the color gradient. Play with the initial multiply and iterations values until you have the desired star field.
After this activate plasma \ blend \ full at fill and filter and choose a color for the background nebula (optimally a dark color). Now click on the texture. If the created nebula is not what you wanted just perform an undo, to cancel the nebula, and play with the plasma turbulence value and the primary color.
Now you can embellish your image with some large and bright fixed stars. For this the special \ gentle blend ellipse is recommended. Choose a color for a star and draw several ellipses (or circles by pressing shift) having the same center and a different radius. 
After this choose a white color and add smaller circles at the star's center.

(3) A bit of edge trace
Create a new texture and choose a primary color. Then activate the bricks function at the generator engine. Be sure that the primary color is used for the pattern generation. The y-tile factor should be twice as high than the x-tile factor to make the stones be twice as high than wide. A post-smoothing of 0 is very recommended.
Now open another new texture with the same size and create a plasma, also with the generator engine and the same settings. Set this texture as source.
Switch back to the first texture and choose the edge trace \ light  at fill and filter. Set up a suitable edge size (like here 10 for example) and activate use source as texture. Now click on the black stones.
To get rid of the single colored space between the stones you can use the flood fill \ texture \ source function. You can fill the areas between the stones with the source using this function.

(4) Create a button using edge trace

With some tricks you can create buttons with I-Tex. For this create a new texture with the background color (secondary color) of the web page, which will possibly include the button. Now choose another color and draw the shape of your button. Here for example a horizontal line (solid) with a pen size of 20.
Create another new texture or open an image file. Here for example a triple scan blobs pattern was created using the generator engine. Set this texture as source.
Now choose the edge trace \ shadow function and use the edge mode 1. Activate use source as texture. Now click on the button.
A shadow will be dropped on the background. If the shadow to to bright click several times. Choose now the edge trace \ light function. If you activate secondary color light you can define a light color (secondary color) instead of white. Here a bright blue color was used. Select a color for the button (primary color) and click on the button's shape.
At the main menu engage the create text item at tools. Enter your text for the button, which has to be much larger than the button itself. This text will be rendered to a new image, which will automatically set as source. Now you can draw the text on the button using the sprite functions. An angle of 0 is recommended. To get better result when drawing the text it is recommended that you run a smooth \ normal function at fill and filter and then a color \ boost \ all at utilities on the text image.

Finally copy the button to a new image using the get \ crop to new function at the rectangle operations.